
Breast baseline thermograms  £250  (includes initial set of thermograms plus the 3 month follow up needed to establish your unique baseline)  All new breast thermography clients will need to book the breast baselines initially as thermography is a test over time. Once baselines are established we can move to annual check ups.


Annual Breast 

Thermogram £130

Full Body

Full Body Thermograms £495

Minimum of 50 images of the entire body. The reporting medical doctor (the Thermologist)  will comment on all aspects of health, including thyroid dysfunction, cardiovascular, stroke risk, autonomic or immne dysfunction, tendency towards type 2 diabetes and much more  (includes breast baselines if required) and provides a report for you to take to your GP if you wish for further checks. Thermography is an investigational tool not a diagnostic tool yet can aid a practitioner as to what to investigate further and when to refer on to a Dr or other therapist.

Other Options


Half Body  £299

Upper -  Head to Waistline


Lower - Waistline to feet


Womens Health Check £299

Head to upper thigh, Includes the breast, trunk, pelvis unlike an upper body.


Immuno Health Check £150

Head to upper thigh concentrating on the endocrine glands 


Region of Interest (for example dental only, head only, breasts only) £130

Collagen Rejuvenation with Gunaphoresis and Guna Collagen Medical Devices

Collagen Rejuvenation £75 per session (with red light/near infra red) £60 per session (without red light/ near infra red)

A minimum course of 6 sessions are recommended, though Guna suggest 10, for the best results.  


Ideally the first 2 sessions are 3-4 days apart. The remaining 4 or 8 sessions require a weekly, or twice weekly.


After the initial course, 3 monthly top ups will keep your skin super healthy.



We are pretty sure you soon see the benefits as will your friends, family and work colleagues. If you refer a friend, we will reward you with a free top up voucher.



Arteriosclerosis testing



Check for arterial stiffness (arteriosclerosis) and peripheral artery disease. The BP+ is as easy as having your BP taken,  the results show your central (true BP) as well as brachial BP, 10 second heart trace, pulse  rate and the augmentation index -  which is used to calculate your 'heart age' and your 'artery age'.

Chiropractic Impulse I.Q with Activator Method

With near infra red/ red light therapy £100/ Follow up £75


Without light therapy £75/ Follow up £50


Red Light/ Near Infra Red Therapy

Choose from the menu

3/4 body

Make the most of the 3/4 size body panel, 10 mins face up, 10 mins face down!

Targetted area

Only want treatment for one specific area, no worries we can use the Mito Light 3.0 bulb on that area only 15 - 20 mins.

With Chiropractic or Collagen rejuvenation treatment

Take the benefits of photobiomodulation and mix it in with your Chiropractic or  Collagen rejuvenation session.

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© The Rose Clinic 2023